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Home / News / Friday Evening Social Sailing

Friday Evening Social Sailing

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Published 15:00 on 20 Jun 2024

Friday evenings at the club this season have had a very slow start, possibly due to the club house flood but more likely the poor weather. Hopefully now that as we approach the Summer Solstice, the weather will continue to improve and we will see more members on a Friday evening. 

It was fantastic to see so many members on the water last Friday. We had the junior sailors enjoying some informal coaching, new members venturing onto the water for the first time, some of whom needed a bit of reassurance and boat rigging assistance. Friday is a great collective of minds and you always find someone to help you. Some more long-standing members headed off to the bottom of the lake for an impromptu game of follow the leader and a chat. 

The windsurfers were out too, showing of their skills- not sure if it was their windsurfing skills or their falling off skills we saw more of though! We have only seen a few paddleboarders out on a Friday night this season, looking forward to seeing more. 

Friday evenings are a great time to get out on the water in a relaxed, safe atmosphere. We have a rescue boat on standby should you need it. If you only want a chat, or to fiddle with your boat you are welcome too 

Last updated 14:16 on 2 August 2024

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