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Miracle Open '24 @ Shotwick Lake Sailing

1576035 orig
Published 17:09 on 2 Oct 2024

Miracle Welsh Area Championships at Shotwick Lake 2024

Nine Miracles entered the Welsh Area Championships hosted at Shotwick Lake Sailing Club on the 21stand 22nd September. It was great to welcome back three visiting boats, who made a weekend of it, some camping in the grounds. The six home boats were missing some of our regular holidaying miracle sailors. Shotwick is fast becoming the place to experience good fleet Miracle racing, with new members and experienced singlehanded helms looking to buy miracles to join in the fun. This year we shared the lake with the Lightning open on the Saturday.

Two races were held on Saturday afternoon in a pleasant NE breeze with predominately warm, sometimes sunny conditions. Unfortunately, the recent warm spell had encouraged weed growth with extensive green algae, an unusual occurrence in our brackish water.  Rules were followed and there was plenty of fresh water to hose boats and equipment down.
Conrad was officer in charge for the weekend and set an excellent course for Saturdays races. The first windward leg used the length of the lake, which tested all the competitors, with lots of close sailing and cries of starboard to be heard along with infringement penalties for those sailing a bit too close for comfort. Dave Turtle and Zara looked happy to be back in Shotwick, sailing out of any danger to reach the windward mark first. The purple smiley faced spinnaker was raised and they held their lead comfortably for the whole race. Wayne and Angela were in hot pursuit and although they easily kept ahead of the fleet they couldnt close the gap. The rest of the fleet enjoyed very close racing with positions between Mark and Paul, Simon and Julie, Dave and Shan and Jim and Jeanette changing frequently. Jim and Jeanette, new to Miracle sailing managed to keep up with the others despite not using a spinnaker. Mark and Paul, sailing Elmo the oldest boat in the race took 3rd position.
The wind was dropping for the final race of the day, but once again it was a clean start for Dave and Zara who led the race from start to finish, an elegant masterclass in Miracle sailing from the father and daughter duo. However, this time the rest of the fleet were bunched at the windward mark, close on the heels of Wayne and Angela, but their expertise with the black spinnaker ensured they kept their second place. Spinnaker handling was clearly a game changer, Paul who has been delivering spinnaker training sessions for Shotwick sailors demonstrated precisely how to effectively use this extra sail. In this race they kept hold of third place throughout. The rest of the fleet were much closer with 9 seconds separating 4th to 6th places. It was good to see Liverpool Uni students, Bea and Joe improving on last years performance, swapping places with Geoff and Sara, and father and daughter combo, Neil and Ffion during the race. 
The Shotwick galley was out of operation this weekend, but Josie still managed to decorate the tables with flowers, a warm welcome for all our friends. A chippy supper was enjoyed. Visitors in the first two places went to bed comfortable in the knowledge that they should retain these places or could they?
Sunday morning saw darker skies, the wind had picked up and veered to an ENE direction. Three crews had two firsts, seconds and thirds respectively with the three boats in the middle group all on 10 points. Looked like a battle for the silver fleet!

Conrad set a course with another long beat to start followed by four spinnaker legs (for experienced crews only!) and plenty of opportunity to practise gybing a spinnaker. It was a perfect start for Mark and Paul. Mark normally helms an Enterprise, and he could certainly sail well upwind, second around the windward mark behind Dave and Zara. A cry of Whats that old tub doing there! was heard in the following pack. Elmo is certainly old, bought as a kit in 1979 and the first Miracle to be launched in Shotwick. However, Geoff, helm of 4108 and builder of Elmo, along with crew Sara current owner of Elmo were shocked!  Mark who had restored Elmo was still in second place after one lap, new not always the best, build quality lasts. The gap between the first three boats was much less this race, with Wayne and Angela eventually taking another second place. Dave and Shan suffered gear failure in Its a.broken and had to retire. Geoff and Sara sailed well to gain a 5th position.
For the last race before lunch, the dark skies delivered their much-anticipated down pour as the complete fleet took to the start. Crews were concentrating and it was only when the race finished, they realised how wet everything was! The start was clean with nothing much separating the whole fleet; at the windward mark, Mark and Paul rounded first closely followed by Dave and Zara who quickly manoeuvred into their customary first place. Racing between the rest of the fleet was tight with positions changing and the home sailors getting closer to the gold standard crews. Mark and Paul held onto second with a battle between Wayne and Angela and Simon and Julie for third place. Rounding the final buoy Simon and Julie held their course, Wayne and Angela tacked for the line and crossed it one second behind. 
After a well-deserved lunch in the dry clubhouse, the rain stopped, and the Welsh Area final race began. It was Jim and Jeanette who cleared the line first. The wind was getting shiftier as the fleet kept in close contact, with Mark and Paul rounding the windward buoy in first position, followed by Wayne and Angela then Dave and Zara. This time tactical manoeuvres between 2nd and 3rd placed boats allowed Elmo to lead the fleet although a spinnaker malfunction on the second lap meant that they had no spinnaker on the third lap and the experts were closing in fast. Paul managed to rectify the situation, and the spinnaker flew once again on the final leg as they sailed to victory with Dave and Zara taking second over Wayne and Angela in third. An exciting end to a memorable weekend.
The prizegiving was held in the clubhouse to a packed audience. Josie, Shotwick Miracle organiser, thanked everyone for attending and being understanding of the conditions in the galley and the water quality. She also thanked the Race Officers and safety crew along with all those who made the weekend a success. And of course, all the competitors from home and away who made the event special.
Dave and Zara were the overall winners of the Welsh Area Championship, retaining their title. In second place with 6 points and winning the final race were the Shotwick crew of Mark and Paul. Third also with 6 points were visitors Wayne and Angela. Thanks to all the competitors who made this weekend special and carried on regardless of rain, sun and green slime!

Thankyou To Shan Stapley for the report

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Last updated 16:58 on 12 October 2024

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