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Home / Race Management / Safety Boat Guidance
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Home / Race Management / Safety Boat Guidance

Safety Boat Guidance

Shotwick Lake Sailing depends upon volunteers to run race events and these guidelines have been developed to assist them in the safe, smooth running of the day. 

Sailing is a risk sport and these risks are accepted by those taking part as highlighted to all members in the club byelaws and to those taking part in open events. The club however, and race officers / safety boat helms on the day have a higher duty of care to juniors and inexperienced sailors and need to reinforce the advice of the traffic light system related to wind strength where appropriate.

All those with a role on the day including assistants should arrive at least 45 minutes before the scheduled start of the first race. Assistants should make themselves known to the Race Officer / Safety boat helm immediately on arrival. All assistants, including race assistants should come prepared with sailing gear in the event they are needed to help in the safety boat. 

Suitable manning of the Safety Boat shall take priority over the Race Officer / assistant duties. 

SAFETY BOAT HELMS All Safety boat helms will hold as a minimum RYA Powerboat L2 and have attended club organised refresher training in the last two years. 

The following is an aide memoire checklist for Safety boat helms

Always arrive in good time to meet your assistant and involve them in preparation of the boat(s) so that they gain familiarity with the location and purpose of equipment on board. 

Launch and recover the Safety boat in accordance with the procedure displayed in the safety boat garage. Always wear the kill cord and check its operation. 

Only have two people in the Safety boat. At least one and ideally both people should be prepared / equipped to enter the water. 

Obtain and check the operation of the two-way radios in conjunction with the race officer.

Set the race start line in conjunction with the Race Officer. 

Give priority to attending junior and inexperienced sailors. 

Avoid becoming involved in preventing damage to or recovering boats to the detriment of checking the safety of other sailors on the water. 

Stay alert to activities on the water.
At the end of the day report any defects to a Committee member



Pre Launching Checks


Holding Position

Coming Alongside 1

Coming Alongside 2

Coming Alongside 3

Lee Shore Recovery


General guide for safety crews supporting club racing

Windsurf Rescue

Man Over Board Recovery

Recovering the Boat

Use of The Club Defibrillator


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Pre Launch Checks

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Holding Position

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Coming Alongside 1

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Coming Alongside 2

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Coming Alongside 3

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Lee Shore Recovery

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General guide for safety crews supporting club racing

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Guide for recovering a windsurfer (based on an inflatable safety boat, so do not ask the windsurfer to sit on their mast. – position them at the front of safety boat holding on to their mast.)

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Man Overboard Recovery

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Recovering The Boat

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Use of Club Defibrillator AED

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Last updated 14:12 on 2 August 2024

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